How many sessions per week?
Most of our students are having 1 session per week. We recommend the students to get a maximum of 2 sessions per week.
How many minutes per session?
We give 50 minutes per session per student.
How can we arrange the schedule?
It depends upon your availability as well as our teacher's. Better to visit us personally in our office.
Are the classes in group or individual?
For better teaching and focus, we are offering individual or one-on-one classes.
Is it affordable?
We guarantee that our fees are affordable and of great quality teaching.
What is the arrangement for payment?
If you're a first timer in MusicHouse, we will be just asking for miscellaneous fee for learning materials, registration fee, and tuition fee for advance payment for 5 sessions. After you finish the first 5 sessions and wish to continue, you will pay for the advance 5 sessions only.
What is the mode of payment?
Do you accept card?
As for the meantime, we don't accept card payment. However, you can pay by cash or cheque. For cheque payments, kindly put MusicHouse.
Do you give certificates in case we need it for college or extra curricular records for our school?
Yes, we do give certificates. Especially if you need it for some educational or promotional purposes. We are putting in the certificate the exact level or grade you are in according to your teacher's evaluation.
How long will it take my child, or me, to be able to learn and play very well?
As we always say, development of the learning of the students depends on them. We are here to help them unleash their talents, build their confidence, give them techniques and ideas, and give them proper lessons. As what is said the High School Musical, we're all in this together! :)
Do you conduct recitals or concerts?
Yes, we do. As much as time permits, we are trying to give 2 events per year. If twice a year won't be possible, we make sure we have at least once a year. We also let some students learning different instruments play together so they could form a group or a band! Awesome!
Do you also give exams?
We are giving lessons and studies for ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music), an examinations board and registered charity based in London, UK, which provides examinations in music at centres around the world. We conduct lessons for Piano and Violin under ABRSM. We are preparing the students for their exam and we are the ones arranging and dealing with ABRSM for our students taking the exam. For the Guitar, Drums, and Vocals, we are offering curriculum for ROCKSCHOOL, the leading accredited provider of rock exams worldwide.
Is there any age limit for the students?
NO. Anyone of any ages can come to our MusicHouse to learn and enhance their musical knowledge. Our students range from 3 years old up to over 60!
What are the nationalities of the teachers?
All of our teachers are from the Philippines.
Is MusicHouse open for all nationalities?
YES. We are teaching different nationalities.